Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All I need to be happy is.....?

Another blah day in Washington state. Where is Spring? It is cold here. And raining. And a little on the windy side.

I read on Facebook about my Maine friends all sweating it out in the heat today. I know my Hawaiian friends are sweating...but that's not unusual. I just don't get it. My plants and flowers have all bloomed, but now they are looking a bit limp and confused. Last Thursday or Friday night...I forget which one...but we had a frost! We had company over on Saturday evening, and we'd planned on grilling and eating outside. Nope! Instead we wrapped ourselves in sweatshirts and shivered while the kabobs sizzled on the grill. It was so chilly, we could see our breath in the air as we talked!

UGGHH! It's May! It's almost June! Well, I'm whining about this now, but with these odd weather patterns here in Washington, we'll probably get hit with the hottest, muggiest, sweatiest summer on record. And then I'll really be sorry I was lamenting the cool weather in the Spring.

The cold and dismal weather doesn't do much for my moods though. Or maybe it's just getting to be that "time" of the month...T.M.I.? Sorry. But I just feel like I have my own personal dark cloud following me around this week. I try to fight these feelings by staying as busy as I can. But it just doesn't always work. I end up all weepy and hating myself or weepy and growling at my kids, or weepy and useless.

Yesterday I spent virtually the entire day (no joke) on Ebay, trying to get my second hand listings up and available for people to buy and make me rich so I never have to work again! But maybe it's because I'm a meticulous person, or maybe it was just tedious doing it for the first time, but it really took me about 8 hours (on and off) to complete 6 listings!

You have to figure out the pricing. You have to figure out the shipping. You have to write a description of the product, including colors, visible markings, damage, and measurements. You have to list all your policies and upload photos. I hope in the future, that Ebay listings don't swallow my day like they did yesterday. And even with all that time and effort, my listings are still a bit plain. My photos ended up with an odd pinkish tint to them. And I'm wondering if listing something for 7 days doesn't seem like an eternity?

So, I'm just trying to be productive with my time. I am looking forward to Friday, because Brian has off work for a "family day" and we are going to do a trip to the Salvation Army and Goodwill and maybe a lunch at our favorite diner. I know, it sounds all to fabulous for one day, but that outing is the light at the end of my dark tunnel this week. I can't wait for it to be here.

How do you shake off this BLAH feeling? Food? Nope...that just makes me feel fat and guilty. Reading? Takes me away for a little while, but ultimately results in me feeling tired and wanting to crawl under the covers, even if it's 2:30 in the afternoon. Spending time with my loving family? Oh, sure. Especially if you love a belligerent 3 year old who doesn't listen to anything I tell her to do anymore and a teenager with the same issues. Going outside? Well, as I mentioned in Paragraph 1 today, there is not much reason to do that, with the cold and the rain and the ick of a nonexistant Spring.

Wish me a good day today, and maybe a better day tomorrow. Every day can't be a winner I suppose. ALOHA.

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